In May 2018, the enforcement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) raised numerous questions regarding the challenges and obligations related to data protection. In collaboration with our partner Provectio, I created at that time—a period when I was still with Sophos—a presentation in the form of a video, released in July 2018, to address these questions.
Even two years later, the fundamental principles outlined by this regulation remain more relevant than ever. The topics covered in this presentation continue to guide organizations in their efforts toward compliance and the protection of data assets.
It is essential to remember that the GDPR marked a major turning point for companies, regardless of their size or sector. Beyond the regulatory requirement, this law has raised awareness among many stakeholders about the importance of implementing best practices to secure the information they handle daily, especially in a context where cyber threats and demands for transparency toward users continue to intensify.
Moreover, this trend of accountability in data protection is ongoing today through other international regulations, illustrating the enduring impact of the GDPR on data governance. Good compliance practices—whether regular audits, employee training, or the continual updating of security policies—continue to represent a key success factor in protecting the informational assets of any organization.
Happy reading!